Whether you’re looking to boost your Netflix game in the sheets, or your sightseeing savvy in the streets, you have come to the right corner of the internet. As you might have guessed, my name is Janie. I am an English major fuelled by a love for adventure, a serious case of wanderlust, and an insatiable hunger for a great story. So I figured: why not combine all my favorite things in one place?
Thus, this blog was formed as a virtual vessel for my musings. Welcome aboard!
Like what you see? Please feel free to subscribe, find me on Twitter or Pinterest, and get in touch via the information on my Contact page.
Five Facts About Me:
- I firmly believe that cereal should be its own food group.
- Thanks to a decade and a half of competitive swimming, these veins probably run with more chlorine than blood.
- I am a certifiable Sriracha addict. I carried a miniature bottle of the magic sauce in my backpack everywhere I went my freshman year of college.
- Despite growing up in sunny California, I am an avid hockey fan. Just ask my roommate about my sleep schedule during the San Jose Sharks’ 2019 playoff run.
- In my other life, I study Quantitative Biology and spend my time doing fun stuff like imaging neurons and modelling the genetics of magic inheritance in Harry Potter. I kid you not, they let us do that for a final project.
Looking forward to further editions of your blog!
Thank you!!